Money . . .
Another Important Part of
Emergency Preparedness
Why cash at home, at the office and in the car?
1) What if the economy started to tank? Look what happened in Greece awhile back, they could only get a few dollars out of the ATM machines each day.
2) What if there was a freeze on the banks and credit unions and you could not get your money?
3) What if the power grid goes down keeping you from using you ATM cards or other credit cards? Stores and banks today all use electricity to work their computers and cash registers. When this happens they will only accept cash.
4) What if there was a disaster, natural or man made? You will probably not be able to access your money.
Why store cash at home, at work and in your car?
Because if you cannot access it through your bank, credit union or using your ATM card at the ATM machine you will not have cash on hand. After a disaster or other emergency situation you will only be able to pay for the things you need with cash. Hopefully, you will have some food and water stored already and emergency supplies.
It is also a good idea to keep some cash at work in a safe place and in your car. You should also have small bills and change in each family member's 72 Hour Individual Emergency Bags. It is up to you how much that should be.
How to store your cash at home . . .
1) Store only small bills ($1 and $5 bills) and change. If you store larger bills when you try to purchase something the person selling it will say I cannot make change, causing you to spend more than if you had the right amount in small bills and change. Keep as much as you can at home, at least several hundreds or a few thousand.
2) Store the cash in a fire/water proof lock box or safe. Keep it hidden in a place where thieves will probably not look.
How to save for a savings account and rainy days . . .
1) Get out of debt as soon as possible.
2) Stay out of debt.
3) Even while in debt start a saving account. Even if you only put in a few dollars a month it is a start. You will be surprised how fast your savings will grow.
4) Take your change at the end of the day and put it into a jar. Once the jar is full deposit it into your savings account.
5) Know needs from wants. If it is something you just want, save your money until you can pay cash for it, only purchase when on sale, do not go into debt for it. Let the wants go by until you have money at home and in your savings account. Try not to eat out so much, take a sack lunch to work, keep snacks in the car so you will not be tempted to go to a fast food place, leave out those sodas (drink water, healthier) and other unhealthy treats and put the money into your savings account or jar.
6) If you do use your credit card for a purchase write a check for that credit card for the amount and set aside until the bills comes. If you cannot write a check for it immediately, do not purchase the item unless it is an absolute emergency and you have thought it through.
7) Try using the cash method for when you purchase items like groceries, things from Target or other department stores and when you buy gas. You will be surprised how you will think first before
handing over your hard earned cash. I know it is a bother to carry cash around, but it you have a problem with using your credit cards or ATM for all your purchases you will think twice before doing it. We have gone to the cash system and like it so much better than using our ATM or credit cards for everyday purchases.
8) Teach your children the value of money, saving and the difference between needs and wants.
Involve them in your savings goals.
Be Smart, Be Wise, Be Prepared!
The scriptures say,
"Organized yourselves, prepare every needful thing, . . . ."
(Doctrine and Covenants 88:119)
New May Monthly Assignments
Food Storage . . .
Vitamins and Supplements
Vitamins, minerals and supplements are a very important part of your food storage. As you know they will give you the extra vitamins, minerals and supplements your body needs and that your food may not provide. Store only those types of vitamins, minerals and supplements your family takes. Also, store them for the different ages in your family.
How many to store? Store at least a years supply. Store a good multi-vitamin (according to age) and additional vitamins and supplements as needed and used by your family. Buy only from a good reliable company and that are not filled with fillers.
How long to store? According to the expiration date on the bottle.
Where to store? Store in dark bottles in a brown paper bag in a cool, dry, dark place where the temperature is 70 degrees or lower. Do not store in cupboards near your stove or a heater, too hot.
Emergency Preparedness . . . Shelter
There may come a time when you cannot stay in your home due to the damages from a disaster or other unforeseen reasons. It is a good idea to have some type of shelter just for these emergencies.
Purchase a tent to accommodate your family. If you have a large family you might want to consider several smaller tents. It is also a good idea to store tarps, rope, nails, a hammer and duck take so you can construct a shelter or other structures you might need. Learn different types of shelters you can construct if away from home during a disaster. The Boy Scout manual and the Internet has some good resources and ideas.
If you already have a tent(s) for your family then check them regularly to make sure they are good shape and repair or replace as needed.
We keep a small 3 person tent in our car just in case we are away from home when a disaster strikes so we will have shelter.
Click here to go to the posting on the right under "Postings" on "Shelter" for some valuable information. .
Emergency Preparedness Ideas
Know how to protect yourself and others in your car when you hit a pole causing downed power lines on your car and around you. Very good advise! I will save your life!
Burn Treatment . . .
"Some time ago, I was cooking some corn and stuck my fork in the corn in the boiling water to see if the corm was ready. I missed and my hand went into the boiling water! A friend of mine, who was a Vietnam Vet, came into my house as I was screaming and asked me if I had some plain old flour. I pulled out the bag of flour and he stuck my hand in it. He told me to keep my hand in the flour for 10 minutes. He said, in Vietnam, there was guy on fire and in their panic, they threw a bag of flour all over him to put out the fire. Well, it not only put out the fire, but he never had a blister. Long story short, I put my hand in the bag of flour for 10 minutes, pulled it out and did not even have a red mark or blister and absolutely NO PAIN.
Keep a bag of flour in your fridge. When you burn yourself put your hand in the bag of flour for 10 minutes. The cold flour works even better than the room temperature flour. I use the flour and have never had a red spot/burn mark, or blister! I burnt my tongue once, put the flour on it for about 10 minutes, the pain was gone and no burn.
Try it, experience it! Keep a bag of flour in your fridge and you will happy you did.
Flour has an absorbent property and also has a strong antioxidant property, thus it helps with burn patients if applied within 15 minutes." (Donald Arbino)
Comments and Questions: Please share your comments and questions below. Remember, we all learn from each others experiences and knowledge. You can also email me at Thank you for sharing your comments and questions. They are most appreciated.