Tuesday, March 15, 2016

72 Hour Individual Emergency Preparedness Hygiene Kit

Add these items to your 72 Hour Individual Emergency Preparedness Hygiene Kit. Adjust according to age. 

1. tooth brush
2. small tube of tooth paste
3. comb and/or brush
4. small bottle of shampoo and rinse, or non-water type (great if water is limited)
5. small bar of soap in a small baggie or small bottle of liquid soap
6. small bottle of hand lotion
7. hand sanitizer
8. heavy work gloves
9. deodorant (only for those that need it)
10. small container of baby wipes (found this at the 99 Cent Store)
11. respirator masks
12. emergency (reflecting) blanket
13. plastic rain poncho
14. roll of toilet paper
15. feminine hygiene items or diapers for the baby
15. prescription medications and/or vitamins
16. sun screen (only one per family in the family bag or one in your work 72 Hour Emergency Kit)

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