Blessings that come from having Food Storage...
Makes life easier...There have often been times when I needed a can or package of something to complete a recipe I was working on for dinner, or to take to someone, and I had no time to run to the store for what I needed. Having Food Storage makes life easier in that when you are in this situation you can just go to your Food Storage, pull out what you need, and then replace it the next time you go to the grocery store.
Cannot leave your home...If for any reason you were not able to leave your home (server weather conditions, disaster, pandemic, civil unrest, etc.), you will have food to eat, water to drink, medical supplies and other emergency supplies as needed.
Help with finances...Some times emergency bills come up we are not expecting, like medical/hospital charges, major car repairs, an expensive repair to your home, etc, causing not enough money to pay the regular bills and purchase food. Your Food Storage will help you get through those difficult financial times because you will not need to use your money to purchase food, or at least, not as much.
Loss of income due to lay off or injury. Mr. Cuppett was seriously injured in a car accident when someone side swiped him while on the job. He was unable to work for 3 month. Disability does not pay all the bills.
This month in the Ensign there is a great article about when a young couple used their Food Storage to help get through a difficult financial situation. Read the link below...*+(publication%3a"Ensign")
Peace of mind...Most of all, the greatest blessing, is having peace of mind!
Weekly Assignment...72 Hour Individual Emergency Preparedness Food Kit:
This week add the following...
Note: We only have 3 more items to add to the 72 Hour Individual Emergency Food Kit. Then we will work on the snack items, there are only 4 items.
Emergency Preparedness:
Last week I spoke about the importance of insurance and how it can help you when there is a disaster or loss. A part of that is keeping an inventory of all your personal belongs. You need to inventory all your personal items, take photos, and video tape if possible, of the inside of your home (each room: walls, doors, ceiling, flooring, windows, etc.), furniture, appliances, open closets and drawers and take photos, jewelry, sports equipment, antiques, everything. Take photos of architectural designs, specialty windows, moldings, any custom cabinets, counter tops, etc. Take photos of the outside of your house, all around it. Also take photos in the garage and your cars (inside and out). Keep a copy of the inventory, photos and video at home in a safe place (with other important papers) and with a family member or friend out of state, or the area. Having this inventory will make filing an insurance claim so much easier and faster.
I found a great article that talks about the importance of having a home personal inventory. Please click on the link below and read the article.
Another thing I found that is really great is a "Home Inventory Checklist" from State Farm Insurance that is very detailed. Please click on the link below and review the checklist. You can print out this 25 page inventory checklist and complete it. It may take awhile, but well worth it! Also, keep photos as mentioned above with it. Make this your goal for February.
Comments: All your comments, ideas, suggestions and experiences are welcome! We all learn from each other.
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