I am so grateful for parents and ancestors who taught us to love, respect,
protect the freedoms we enjoy, honor those who have served and honor our country,
The United States of America.
Everyday the American Flag flies in front of our home with honor and respect!
Hope everyone has a safe awesome 4th of July!
This week we received a letter from our granddaughter Sister Amber Nichols who is serving a full time mission for our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I would like to quote what she said in her letter this week . . .
"I hope we all keep trusting the Lord and know He's knows what is best for us. In these last days we must keep praying, reading the scriptures and going to church to stay strong. When it comes down to it we will only have our testimony and no one can take that from us."
Wise advice from a full time missionary. If we stay close to the Lord and the Spirit we will be guided, protected and find peace in difficult times. Our testimony will help us through those tough times in life.
What is temporal preparation and why is it important?
Temporal preparation involves many aspects, financial, education, employment, physical health, emergency preparedness, food storage, gardening, etc. It entails many things. Temporal preparation is about being self-reliant.
If we are financially strong, no debt, have a rainy-day savings, and living within out means, we will be able to stand against the financial woes so many are facing today. If we have an education we can get better employment and provided for ourselves and our loved ones. If we are physically fit will be able to work, take of our self and our family, we will most likely survive a natural disaster better than someone who is not physically fit. If we have emergency and medical supplies and food/water storage we will be able to take care of our self, our loved ones and help others. If we have a vegetable/herb garden and fruit trees, even if they are in containers, we will be able to provide nutritious foods for our family, freeze and can them for future use and save money. We all need to strive to be self-reliant and not depend on others for our care and safety. We will have peace of mind!
July Month Assignments
Food Storage: Dairy
Emergency Preparedness:
Shelter and Sanitation
Go back to last week's blog posting, Week of June 28th to learn about adding these items to your Food Storage and Emergency Supplies.
Emergency Preparedness Ideas

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Comments and Questions: Please
share your comments below. We all learn from each others experiences
and knowledge. If you have any questions you can leave them below or
email me at theark.carsonward@gmail.com. I will research your questions
and answer it on the blog next time. Thank you for your comments.
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